Nothing smells better than the first time daddy opens a can of ground coffee...(Baby Kendall grunts)..."that's my daddy...My Knee itches...Daddy's Talking to me... (Grin) ... How do I scratch this knee?... where is daddy going?... That itch is going to dry me crazy... (squeeling) Will somebody scratch this itch?... I hear somebody comeing, I think it is my sissy... (grinning) It is sissy! Scratch my knee sissy(garggle putshshshs spit)... ohhh when I twist like that it got the itch...whew, I am better now...... my nose itches"
Of course, Larry, You realize you and I are the only ones who know what the BLOG you are talking about here. You'll never have anyone from the Dullest BLOG drop in and add his two cents.
He He, this photo was actually taken at Daycare so I really don't know! They just thought she looked cute and got off a shot.
first of all if you start your own blog you can set it up to email new post's to your email. so you know when others have posted your site.
2nd other people's blogs are simply a search and check... so you will get to where you check old post's for new comments and in some cases you simply remeber there were fewer comments last time you visited
3rd here is the link to the most boring blog in the world
oops drop the archive mess on the end....
The admin of the blog can change the comment timestamp format to show the date. Otherwise you just gotta check often enough to know when they appeared.
Which brings up another subject...When is the Franshire Kitty Katy Cat going to start his own BLOG where the rest of us can read about the fascinating ongoing saga of King Odin and his Concubine??
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