Monday, February 14, 2005

Oh, How I Wish I Could Post an Un-Bloggable BLOG

I see where Larry has gotten his BLOG set up to where I can go in here and write anything I want and I can go in and Delete anything I want to or modify any existing BLOG I want to. I think we are truly getting somewhere with this. Do I need to do anything with mine to let you do that there, Larry or is it all taken care of, and is Donna a Member of your Team Yet?? She has joined my Team, but has not posted anything yet. I see you chatted with her tonight, so maybe you filled her in on a few things before Allison got ticked off at you and told you to go and change the girls. I also invited Joj-Jo, Ron, Cyndi, and Faith to My BLOG and Donna and Cyndi to yours. SHould I invite the others as well??

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