2. I used to read alot in my youth; But it has been shoved aside for parenting, PS2, and the paper.
3. I appreciate kindness.
4. I am a big fan of horror books.
5. I wrote a small book on how to do some basic electronic's in High School.
6. I play PS2 at work during my break and have a PS2 and 15 inch TV installed in my pickup.
7. I like RPG's and Action titles the most.
8. I read the headlines and skim for interesting content within the Daily Local paper.
9. I have a subscription to PSM; 100% unauthorized PS2 content.
10. I strive for approval; but expect to be criticized.
11. I feel I am underappreciated or that people forget to thank me for helping.
12. My CoWorkers call me "Dr. Strange Love."
13. I try to be different, "strange".
14. I prefer white sheets, and colorfull towels.
15. Bad punctuation is common for me. I can usually tell if a word is spelled wrong but cannot picture the correct spelling in my head.
16. This is my first attempt at blogging.
17. My father got me interested in blogging.
18. I hate making phone calls. I don't know why.
19. I wish I spoke Spanish, But I know that I will probably never learn it.
20. I am interested in everything. I blurt out interesting facts and statistics that I stumble upon.
21. I don't have a subscription to Maxim; but I purchase it every month at the 7-11.
22. I love to ski, but never have the time too do so.
23. I like to go horseback riding; and did so on my honeymoon in the snowy blue ridge mountains.
24. I have traveled to most U.S. states in the US, thanks primarily to my father who took us cross country several times growing up.
25. I strive for my father's approval above all others; I think this is because I felt it wasn't given growing up as often as I would have wished.
26. I love to blog, this is becomming a problem.
27. Fortunately, I do have a creative mind, I love to draw, as much as building new things.
28. I attribute this mostly to striving for recognition and praise.
29. I took computer programming in high school and did very well in math.
30. My first program was a racer programed in basic.
31. I do not sleep much, usually 10pm to 4am.
32. Most people think I am a very kind person.
33. I am honest. I couldn' t lie if I tried.
34. This is how old I am.
35. I rarely watch movies, but love to watch them.
36. When I watch movies, it is generally to act out a fantasy I couldn't do in real life. This is also why I love to play the PS2.
37. I loved the Matrix.
38. I worked on the set of Virus, Species 2, and the Day Lincoln was Shot.
39. I Curse a lot and don't know I am even doing it. I would like to find other ways to express myself, but old habits are hard to break.
40. I can type quickly but need to look at the keys, I once took a typing course and was getting good, then I got lazy.
41. I learned to program Basic when I was about seven or eight.
42. I also took courses in pascal and fortran but it is mostly gone now. I also was accepted into DeVry Tech. but I allowed a drug habit to ruin that opportunity for me.
43. I've worked with MS Office, Word Perfect, Dos and countless other mainstream programs and have found in the end that I hate Windows and Microsoft .
44. My Computer runs on Microsoft Windows XP :Jeesh!!.
45. I started reading Stephen King at the age of 10; I love Stephen King.
46. I have almost every book King has published, I also like Straub, and Koontz
47. When I was younger I also read the 3 investigator series by Alfred Hitchcock.
48. I love the basic down home cooking recipies, fried chicken, meatloaf, and mashed potatoes(homemade) are the best.
49. I am a pretty good cook but my wife prefers to cook our meals.
50. I love salad bars at those all you can eat buffet type resteraunts.
51. I did not like the Gunslinger series that King put out.
52. My favorite music depends on my mood, usually it is a punk pop sort of desire.
53. Chocolate, in its various forms, is a staple of life. The best is the chocolate with no nuts.
54. I like mints, almost as much as chocolate, a favorite ice cream is mint choc. chip.
55. I can sing 4 part Barbershop quartet singing the baritone; but not as good as when I was in high school.
56. My choir was the cool crew in High School.
57. Impatient people piss me off, especially those people who are the last minutes or late to arrive.
58. I leave early for everything and take my time, empatient people are the ones cutting me off.
59. My children are the most amazing people in my life!
60. I believe I'm doing this because it looked so neat somewhere else.
61. I can't believe I got to number 61 already.
62. Sometimes I wish I had a better understanding of women.
63. Other times, I am impressed by my ability to befriend them.
64. I believe in thinking and questioning what I am told.
65. I like taking pictures.
66. I do not understand why someone is always trying to get into the pictures I take.
67. I once took a drive to find the scenery on a post card.
68. I am very patient my wife is not.
69. I give a good massage.
70. I am usually optimistic.. my wife is always stressing .
71. I love snow.
72. I like loading salad up with a little of everything even the wierd stuff.
73. I feel my purpose in life is to love.
74. I like Risk, but cannot ever find someone to play.
75. I can't win at chess, or checkers.
76. I need to finish this so I can get some chat going with dad
77. I'm a poor person to get directions from as I have a really hard time picturing the names of streets I see everyday.
78. I love to drive. I feel I am one of the better drivers on the road.
79. I'm very sensitive about my inability to complete certain tasks, I get distracted into a new task and do not finish the first.
80. I also like double chocolate fudge ice cream.
81. My back hurts almost every day, it is worse before a heavy rain.
82. It usually gets bad enough to give me a migrane.
83. I enjoy doing things outside the norm.
84. When I believe in something I will still liten to your view.
85. I don't make promises that I don't intend to keep. I am trustworthy
86. I don't like pets.
87. The only pet I have is a Betta fish in a small tank.
88. I once built a 100 gallon tank into the wall.
89. I am really happy to live in Virginia (It reminds me of home but not as cold).
90. My sense of humor is slightly unusual. Some people think I am strange.
91. I have never gotten into sports like like most guys.
92. I hate politics; I feel most politicians are selfish and only into politics for personal gain.
93. I do not exercise. I still feel that I am in good shape
94. I wear a size 34, it was 32 for most of my life.
95. I think fighting terrorism, was the perfect excuse, to steal oil.
96. I try really hard to be an optimist.
97. I thought that this wouldn't consume me, I was wrong.
98. I really, really hope someone is reading this.
99. I'm not a people person, I don't have many friends.
100. Someone once said that our country would be stronger if we stopped crushing the little guy I really believe that.
Yeah, Larry, I can relate. I had a good ol' time on Lia's Site, but I did not see this. Is it new?? I will go there after making this Comment and check it out.
I want you to know that I read number one through number one hundred, all the way to the end, and I came out with a new appreciation of your personality. I have always told people that we do not have a lot in common, yet I have always known you were a lot like me and a lot of what you have done is to get me to appreciate you more. I wish things could have worked out a little differently for us. I was really loking forward to working with you when you came back that time after it all fell apart with Leanne the first time. Of course, if that had happened, you would probably not have your present wife or two lovely daughters, so who can second guess God's Plan??
I also want you to know that I am a lot different person from the one who used to slap you around when you didn't do what I thought you ought to. I guess I had that ingrained into me from MY Father, and like you said, "Old Habits are hard to break."
One thing has always stood out in my mind, that you did not live up to my expectations. Maybe I always expected too much of you or held you to too high a standard. I feel that my being hard on you has made ou a better man, though and I am not second-guessing my overall philosphy in child-rearing. On the contrary, to some extent, I want to defend it. When we discovered you kids were not going to get up to go to school, we decided to stop getting you up and Lo and Behol, you started getting yourselves up. When we couldn't get you to stop being so careless pumping gas, we started paying you so we would have a way of penalizing you for your mistakes. Lo and Behold, you started taking an interest in what you were doing. I think we successfully raised a pretty good bunch of kids, including you, right at the top of the list, for our first success story, so there must have been something right about what we did.
Thanks for sharing these 100 characteristics, and you have inspired me to put together one of my own.
Your Dad, who loves you more than you could ever know.
that was pretty cool cuz,
I found out we have a lot more in common than I thought. I also found out I don't know you at all, and I would like to know you. I like who you say you are and that you can be honest with who you are and not pretend you are someone you're not. That's awesome!
yo cuz,
I'm so glad to inspire somebody! It's nice to get to know you a bit. So now I know that we have similar taste in sports and photography, but not in books. Some comments on your hundred.
2. Personal question: what has priority? Parenting or PS2? I would go back to the reading over PS2 - it can be just as much fun, as it's a good model for your kids!
3. Your wife is one lucky woman. I hope you appreciate it audibly.
4. What's your favorite?
5. Does that count as writing? I once wrote part of an instruction manual for MS Word.
6. I hope you don't play while driving that pickup! Those front-seat DVD players always make me nervous.
7. What are RPG's?
8. Anything interesting happen today?
9. Unauthorized? What does that mean? (I know nothing about PS2, pardon the ignorance.)
10. Yeah, me too. But this is unabashed approval of your interesting and brave 100-things post.
11. Ouch. Do you think posting this where your family reads it will help?
12. As in Strange Love, or as in Dr. Strangelove?
13. Good for you! Accept your individuality!
14. What colors on the towels? Why do you like white sheets? Do you think there are psychological implications?
15. The English language is weird.
17. That's interesting. How did your father get into it?
18. I think it's just hard to do without the body language cues.
19. It's never too late!
20. It makes life more interesting to collect useless trivia - I do it too, quite unintentionally. But then people stop llistening. Which is why a blog is so great - only those who want to have to read it, and you can enjoy to your heart's content.
21. Why don't you just get a subscription then? It's probably cheaper, and much more convenient.
23. That sounds beautiful! "snowy blue ridge mountains" Gorgeous image! And horseback riding in the snow! Divine!
24. Aren't fathers wonderful?
26. Does it get in the way of other responsibilities? Or is it just replacing old hobbies?
27. You should be the engineer!
28. We all want recognition and praise, but love of creating is also love of creating.
29. So do you now do computer programming?
30. Racer?
31. That's actually not so bad. But why get up so early?
32. How do you know? But that's a great thing to be able to say!
33. Another great thing!
35. Then why not watch them?
36. Hear, hear.
38. Cool! How did you get a job like that?
39. That's one worth breaking. Especially if you have kids.
40. That's about all you need. Typing quickly is important if you're a compulsive blogger.
43. Join the club. But what's the alternative?
44. I don't use XP, but on the occasions I have, I didn't like it.
45. King has his moments, but I can't say I've read everything he's written.
46. Who is Straub? What has he written?
47. Hitchcock's got some interesting stuff.
48. Yum! Real meat and potatoes guy?
49. I reiterate my comment about the lucky wife. A guy who can cook?
50. So you allow salad into the meat and potatoes? Any particular kind?
51. Didn't read it.
52. Music is all about mood. What else do you like?
53. Amen!
. . .
67. Sounds like fun!
68-69. I again congratulate your wife!
. . .
79. Anything in particular in mind?
. . .
88. What was it for?
. . .
95. Go George!
97. Care to elaborate? What is consuming you?
98. I don't have enough time to comment on everything, but I read every one and enjoyed it.
99. But I bet the ones you do have are good ones!
100. Want to try to solve the problems of world peace while you're at it?
Some time when I have time I'd like to write about this, and do the same myself, It'dbe an adventure for me. We should all try to figure ourselves out. I'm with Lia, Go George.
2. I agree on the parent modle and try to maintain a family time where we all talk, play, read, or just watch our oldest daughter show off.
3. I do appreciate my wife and everything that she does. But perhaps I do forget to thank her as often as I should.
4. Pet cemetary is probably Number one. Believe it or not they all tie in and that connection was made for me after pet cemetary. It happens in the dead center of the places that all his horror starts from. hmm this is getting too deep.
5. I think it does count, I was Inspired to write a draft. I then edited the content and changed it around then wrote it out again and checked for error's. Now it was not a novel, but it could be called a short story? I have written poems and some short stories as well.
6. Those front-seat DVD players are Illegal in this state for good reason. No I play at work during breaks, or watch a movie as the PS2
can read a dvd as well.
7. What are RPG's? Role Playing Games, Final Fantasy series is the best!
8. Today I discovered that someone not only replied to my blog but that she took the time to make 99 observations about it! cool, I love you lia...(not really)
9. There is an Official PS2 mag that gives 'jaded' reviews of products and an unauthorized PS2 Mag that is 100% independant of Sony and gives more accurate reviews.
10. Absolutely!
11. hmmm no, I think I am venting here.
12. This is a really long story, but know that I am typically quiet on the radio at work and will listen to several people discussing what-ever, then step in with some brash comment or eye opening revelation that shocks many people. So I am strange. Dr. Strangelove not to be confused with promiscus (spelling)
12.b This reminds me. new quest is to find a plugin for firefox to spell check.
13. Thank you for the compliment :)
14. Personnally I just like color that helps cordinate the room they hang in. White sheet's because I want a sheet C L E A N and it is easy to see if white is not clean. I do not profess to know much about physiological psyque however there are probably many connections here.
15. I don't blame English I have trouble picturing words and numbers in my head. For example after years of driving the same road I know how to get there but cannot tell someone else the street names unless I get them in a different way. But on the other hand I can look at a house and see a vivid 3 dementional image of how I want to change something.
17. Good Question this is all you dad.
18. I can agree with that.
19. And I really am still young.
20. A lot of the stuff I come across is either fascinating or just just plain usefull.
21. I know, I was showing the paradox in my life. Why don't I? Honestly it is because I have to sell my wife on another subsciption.
23. It was great, untill Allison's horse decided that it was going to make a break for the water hole and took her with him.
24. Yes they are, Hey dad, You know Cameron is still asking for gram-pa?
26. Responsibilities. I am spending a lot of time doing this.
27. For now I am content with altering someone elses work. I plan to build a cabin in the future.
28. Plus I really want a cabin somewhere on a lake.
29. no
30. car icon racing symulation.
31. I work from 6am to 4pm and it takes 45min to an hour to commute.
32. I am told so I do try to help people and attempt to be optimistic of the outcome. IE give someone walking a ride.
33. might be helpfull sometimes though.
35. Never enough time.
38. Stumbled into it, however in Virginia it is hard to make a living doing it. I would have needed to move to california or at least to SC where there are more studio's.
39. I am more concious of it at home.
40. I agree.
43. I have recently discovered "Mozilla Firefox" to replace Internet Explorer. I really recomend it. Also it is possible to disable many of the annoying aspects of windows.
45. I think I should try to read the Gunslinger series again as I might have an appreciation for it now.
46. uhh Peter Straub I think and can not recall a single title... wierd.
47. yes I really used to want to be one of the investigators. I even thought I would make a clubhouse as he discribed it once.
48. And collerds I should add these.
49. Ohh, baby back ribs wow how could I leave them out?
50. No I just like loading it up, carrot slivers, egg, mushrooms, meat cubes, onions, pinto beans, califlower, etc. and ranch
but I also like a light Vingerette and virgin olive oil drizzled over Fresh onions, green pepper, cheese cubes, and sprinkled with basil.
52. I have listened to mozzart and found it relaxing. I have also on rare occaisions listened to heavy metal, but usually it is country or pop.
68-69. I is how I got her to sleep with me for the first time.
. . .
79. No, I just have a tendancy to get too many things going at once.Have to try and remain focused.
. . .
88. to watch the fish silly...plus it was just to cool! it was flush with the wall framed and from the hallway you couldn't tell that it was mostly in another room.
. . .
95. Again refrenceing the selfish nature I see in politicians.
97. I don't want to miss a comment that could spark a revelation in me.
98. Thank you for taking the time and hope you enjoy the answers.
99. I try to shop at the mom/pop place before going to the corporate sponsered megamall.
100. My dad was a "little guy"
Hey, thanks for all the answers! In the interests of not wasting your time answering more questions (or my time typing them - I too spend way too much time doing this when I should be doing work!), I will not continue the chain of replies. But as to how I found you . . . I was bored at work one day, and I just kept hitting next blog on the toolbar on the top until I found something worth stopping for, and that was the day that you had that post about quotes, and I just couldn't resist - I've always liked that quote. Some time when you want a fun read, try The Peter Principle by Lawrence J. Peter. Although you have to be at least slightly a cynic to really appreciate it. But your dislike of politics probably extends to a dislike of bureaucracy, so you'd probably like the book.
Your story of the horse in the waterhole reminds me of the time I first galloped - completely unplanned, but I had no choice. But that's a story for another day.
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